The average house price on PEARL CLOSE is £654,319
The most expensive house in the street is 7 PEARL CLOSE with an estimated value of £750,092
The cheapest house in the street is 1 PEARL CLOSE with an estimated value of £523,136
The house which was most recently sold was 6 PEARL CLOSE, this sold on 29 Jun 2021 for £600,000
The postcode for PEARL CLOSE is IP6 9QP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 PEARL CLOSE Detached £523,136 £297,500 18 May 2006
2 PEARL CLOSE Detached £734,601 £395,000 22 Jun 2005
3 PEARL CLOSE Detached £745,691 £605,000 20 Feb 2020
4 PEARL CLOSE Detached £576,283 £440,000 1 Feb 2017
5 PEARL CLOSE Detached £596,883 £349,500 10 Sep 2010
6 PEARL CLOSE Detached £648,520 £600,000 29 Jun 2021
7 PEARL CLOSE Detached £750,092 £590,000 6 Oct 2017
8 PEARL CLOSE Detached £659,353 £588,000 29 Mar 2021